Well, it's been two months. But I'm back. I have a few pictures, but still need to get better. Anyway.....
Noah and Emma are continuing in their American History studies. Right now they are studying the Revolutionary War. They made maps of Washington's journey from Trenton to Princeton and constructed a tower like Francis Marion built to fire onto the British, even though he was outnumbered. Our character studies were about initiative, so we discussed how the leaders in the war had to think outside the box in order to meet their goals. Emma and Noah are working on their own character in this area as well, and I have seen them both doing things around the house, for friends, and even strangers that show they truly are working on taking initiative.
Savannah is getting further into the Middle Ages. She is enjoying her studies, but she is particularly liking her Shakespeare study. She is learning a lot about his plays (don't worry, she's not reading the actual script yet. Just studying at an overview level. We will save the "real stuff" for when she's older). She is learning about the general idea of each play and the time and story and what was going on in real life at the time of each play.
She is also learning about the Muslim religion now and how it got started. She just wrote a paper on Mohammad's vision in the cave. She does well with her writing assignments, but she would much rather write free style than follow the instructions for the actual assignment---of course, no one is surprised about that!
Lydia and Nora are of course working mostly on their basics. Their favorite thing though is our read aloud/pre-literature study. We have been reading the Thornton Burgess books (yes, the really, really old ones----they just don't make good literature anymore!!).. Right now, we are reading The Adventures of Chatterer the Squirrel. They love to hear the stories, and they especially love the days that they have to act out the chapter after we have read it.
Josiah is mostly getting lost in the shuffle the last few weeks as far as school work. He's still learning letters and such, but we haven't done sit down workbook stuff with him for a couple of weeks.
I can't get the pictures to post like I wanted to, so I can't do the captions. So.....Nora is "jumping" up and down on the bed (on all fours) while she does her flash cards. This is what she does every day. She does not like to do them sitting still, so this is what we do. She's actually much faster this way........Savannah is baking bread for her weekly project. The loaves have bible verses cooked into them that all talk about Jesus being the bread of life. The bread was pretty good! Lydia was "helping".....Noah is doing science---looking at the leaves and studying their characteristics. I think this was the lesson on the stomata (the breathing holes).
Hey mom! I didn't know you had a blog! You never told me! I love it...looking forward to seeing more posts!
ReplyDeleteyou don't think i tell you EvErYtHiNg do you???
ReplyDeleteWell,no....... but u might have at least told me about a blog!